Climate, MHW, and Temp
Climate, Marine Heatwaves, and Temperature
Thursday, 25 November 2021
16:00-17:30 AEDT
13:00-1430 AWST
Theme 2 – Climate, Marine Heatwaves, and Temperature
Chairs – Jessica Benthuysen – Australian Institute for Marine Science & Mark Doubell – South Australian Research and Development Institute
Perspectives on working with marine industries on climate extremes and adaptation, and ocean data and modelling needs across time scales
Application of operational products for fisheries and aquaculture
Using environmental data to inform stock assessment and fisheries management
Perspectives on ocean data and modelling needs for fishing operations
Q&A and Panel Discussion
- Clarifying priorities and needs for marine industry and marine managers in decision making on how climate, marine heatwaves, temperature affect their operations on a range of time scales;
- Identifying what operational oceanography components (e.g. observations and models) are required so marine industries and managing agencies have the decision-making tools to improve financial, social, and environmental outcomes;
- Advancing operational oceanography to close the gap between ocean data and modelling through the delivery of products to suit end-user needs.
Session Spotlights

Pete Strutton et al
University of Tasmania et al
Autonomous floats and high resolution modelling: potential applications

Claire Spillman et al
Bureau of Meteorology and CSIRO
Heatwave Prediction