Blue Economy and the Global Agenda

Forum for Operational Oceanography News Blue Economy on the Global Agenda April 2017 The blue economy has been a headline issue at two recent international ocean science and technology conferences, clearly demonstrating that it is a global agenda. The 2016 Ocean Sciences Meeting was held in New Orleans during February, with over 4,000 ocean scientists…

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Latest figures out on Australia’s growing blue economy

Forum for Operational Oceanography News Latest figures out on Australia’s growing blue economy March 2017 This month the Australian Institute of Marine Science’s latest ‘AIMS Index of Marine Industry’ was released. The 2016 report says Australia’s marine industries now contribute more than $74 billion directly and indirectly to the annual national gross domestic product. The…

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Can FOO be part of the ‘ideas boom’?

Forum for Operational Oceanography News Can FOO be part of the ‘ideas boom’? March 2016 The Australian Government has just released its National Innovation and Science Agenda with the tag line of ‘welcome to the ideas boom’.  Full details can be found at The Innovation Agenda is a call to action.  It says that…

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